how to become more articulate

Improve vocabulary, become more articulate

February 5, 2024
  •  BY 

Captivating an audience with your words or exuding confidence in an email may feel out of reach at times, but it's not just a skill reserved for TedTalk speakers and company executives. With the right approach, anyone can enhance their communication skills and speak articulately.

So read on to learn actionable tips for communicating with more precision and influence. 

What does it mean to be articulate?

Being an articulate speaker or writer is about delivering a message that is engaging and easy for your audience to understand, and it’s a key component of both personal and professional success. After all, whether you're a public speaker, student, or professional, the ability to clearly express your thoughts is instrumental in sharing your ideas, gaining support, and leaving a lasting impact.

The most common barriers to clear articulation

If you've ever experienced the challenge of rewriting a sentence numerous times, stumbling over your words during public speaking, or relying on filler words like “um” and “like,” rest assured, you're not alone. 

Anxiety, lack of preparation, or even overreliance on technology are the most common barriers to clear articulation—but you can overcome them. 

When it comes to more articulate public speaking, one way to help you overcome these barriers is to record yourself speaking to identify improvement opportunities. When you replay it, listen to yourself speak and notice your speech patterns—you may realize that you do or say things you didn’t even realize, like speak too quickly, make awkward hand gestures, or rely on filler words such as “um” or “like.”

And similarly, if you’re hoping to improve your writing skills, read over what you write to ensure your message is clear and concise. If something doesn’t make sense to you, chances are, others won’t understand it either. 

10 ways to become a more articulate speaker and writer

So, do you want to learn more ways to become an articulate communicator? Here are some tips: 

  1. Practice active listening: Make it a point to genuinely listen and process what others are saying before responding. Doing so gets you comfortable with the natural flow and cadence of language.
  2. Expand your vocabulary: Challenge yourself to learn new words daily. Apps like Elevate offer vocabulary enhancement games that make learning fun and interactive.
  3. Read often: Reading a wide variety of books, articles, poetry, or even magazines can sharpen your comprehension. 
  4. Speak thoughtfully: This involves planning what to say, avoiding rushing, and eliminating filler words. Practice makes perfect, and you'll find your confidence grows with each conversation.
  5. Slow down: Control your words per minute by speaking at a pace where you can enunciate clearly and calmly. (Hint: 140-160 words per minute is a good target!)
  6. Practice: Confront your fear of public speaking by gradually exposing yourself to speaking engagements.
  7. Seek feedback: Asking for feedback from mentors or peers can help you further refine your verbal skills.
  8. Organize your ideas: Practice outlining and organizing your thoughts before you dive in. This will help you keep your writing and speaking focused.
  9. Revise and edit your work: This is a key to improving clarity, ensuring brevity, and identifying areas of improvement.
  10. Read your piece out loud: Doing so allows you to notice where you naturally trip up. If you stumble, your readers might, too.

Long-term communication improvement techniques

Becoming more articulate takes dedication and consistent practice, so here are some tips for staying on track:

  • Set realistic goals: Identify specific improvements you wish to achieve with your communication and work steadily towards them. Some examples include speaking more slowly, expanding your vocabulary, or writing daily.
  • Track your progress: Keep a log or journal documenting your efforts. This will help you celebrate breakthroughs and recognize areas of improvement.
  • Continuously refine: Embrace new opportunities to learn. Workshops, articles, and feedback from peers will all help you refine your articulation skills.

Communicate more clearly and effectively today

Improving your communication skills is not an overnight process, but rather a continuous effort that yields rewarding results over time.  

Our favorite way to stay sharp and boost articulation skills is the Elevate app, available on iOS and Android. Elevate offers 40+ fun and effective games, like Brevity, Eloquence, and Precision, that are all backed by science to improve your cognitive functioning

With dedication and determination, you can undoubtedly improve your articulation, unlocking new opportunities for personal and professional success. 

Happy communicating!


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