Improve %%Memory%% Skills

You use your memory every day, but are you actively improving it? The Elevate app has memory games that are specifically designed to keep your brain engaged while building short- and long-term memory skills. And here's the best part: These brain training games are both fun and effective. They're rooted in real-word scenarios while borrowing gameplay from classic brain teasers and problem-solving puzzles.

Elevate's %%Memory%% Skill Games

When you play games to improve your memory, practicality matters. You want results that you can see in your daily life. That's why Elevate's games target the cognitive functions behind everyday scenarios like remembering names, details of a conversation, or items in a list. 

Furthermore, our games are created in collaboration with experts and backed by independent analysis. So while you're working on a high score, you can trust that you're also improving your working memory skills and building confidence for how you retain information. 

The 5 Benefits of Improving %%Memory%% Skills

Elevate's memory games deliver real-world results. Because when you commit to strengthening your memory skills, you're laying a foundation for improved confidence, productivity, and general well-being. Check out some of the key benefits of memory games:

  • Improved cognitive function: Beyond building your ability to recall information, memory games build key cognitive functions like problem solving, decision-making, reasoning, and attention.
  • Stronger learning capabilities: Memory is a critical component of the learning process. After all, there's little use in discovering something new if you quickly forget it.
  • Improved work performance: With stronger memory skills, you can increase both your focus and productivity at work. 
  • Better social connections: When you learn to remember names and details with ease, you'll find it easier to form more meaningful relationships. 
  • Greater adaptability: The increased confidence that comes with improved short- and long-term memory will help you embrace new challenges and opportunities.

How to Improve Your %%Memory%% Skills

Improving your memory skills can be part of your daily routine. And it can be easier than you might think. By making a few smart updates to your day, you can take the first steps to a better memory. Consider these five simple ways to get started: 

  • Practice active recall: Active recall is the process of retrieving information from your memory, without relying on external aids like notes or books. This method of learning strengthens neural pathways and improves short-term memory retention. To practice, try testing yourself on what you've read or heard yesterday. Bonus points for sharing out loud with a friend or family member.
  • Make your own mnemonics: Mnemonics are memory aids that help you remember information using patterns or associations. One popular example is My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets, which can help you remember the names and order of the planets (plus Pluto) in our solar system by connecting the first letter of each planet to the first letter in the phrase. Mnemonics can be particularly helpful in remembering lists, and you can create your own with any group of items in your life. 
  • Set a consistent bedtime: Sleep plays a critical role in memory consolidation, allowing the brain to process and store new information. To set yourself up for success, aim to go to sleep at the same time every night. 
  • Challenge your brain: You can keep this fun with crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, or Elevate's brain training games. See if you can set aside a few minutes every day to sit down with a puzzle or game for a regular dose of cognitive exercise. 
  • Commit to healthy lifestyle choices: Your brain functions best when your mind's at ease and your body's taken care of. So throughout your day, think about small changes you can make, from drinking more water to going for a relaxing walk.

You can improve your memory at any age—and have fun while doing it. Elevate's engaging memory games are backed by science and focused on delivering results that you can see every day. From remembering names at a party to retaining the information you read last week, stronger memory skills can deliver long-lasting benefits in your personal and professional life. 

Download Elevate on iOS or Android and start improving your memory skills today.

Start Improving Your %%Memory%% Skills

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