Play %%Concentration%% and %%Focus%% Games

Do you often feel distracted? The ability to focus can have a positive impact on various aspects of your life, including work, relationships, and daily activities. And with the Elevate app, you can play fun games that train your brain to eliminate distractions, stay focused, and complete tasks more efficiently. The best part? It takes just a few minutes of play each day.

Elevate's Top Games to Improve Concentration and %%Focus%%

Games are a great way to improve your ability to concentrate because they keep you engaged. And with Elevate’s expertly designed brain training program, you can engage in more than 40 fun and effective brain games that’ll help you stay sharp and focused.

Commas - the Elevate app's commas game


Improve your understanding of how to use commas correctly.

Spelling - the Elevate app's spelling game


Eliminate spelling errors and catch things spell-check overlooks.

Syntax - the Elevate app's syntax game


Learn tricky grammar rules and avoid making embarrassing writing mistakes

Inversion - the Elevate app's antonym matching game


Match antonyms to master new words and expand your vocabulary.

Play Games to Improve Your %%Focus%% Skills

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