Improve %%Speaking%% Skills

The most straightforward way to improve your communication skills is by using them. But the fastest way to improve is by committing to daily practice. You can do just that with the Elevate app. Its brain training program includes games for improving speaking and communication skills. And getting started just takes a few minutes.

Elevate's Games for Improved %%Speaking%% Skills

You can practice speaking with friends and family, but your loved ones might not be able to give you constructive feedback. That's where Elevate's games make the biggest difference: the app's program tracks your performance, personalizes your training, and gives you feedback you can actually use. 

Benefits of Improving %%Speaking%% Skills

The ability to speak well is a powerful tool. It's how you form personal relationships, share what's important to you, and get your point across. And it's a skill you can improve throughout your entire life. Check out some of the key benefits of improving your speaking skills:

  • Effective communication: Strong speaking skills enable you to express yourself clearly, confidently, and persuasively. You can articulate your thoughts, ideas, and opinions in a manner that engages and influences others, fostering effective communication.
  • Building relationships: Good speaking skills facilitate building and maintaining meaningful relationships. You can engage in conversations, establish connections, and effectively convey your thoughts and emotions, leading to better personal and professional relationships.
  • Increased self-confidence: As you develop better speaking skills, your self-confidence naturally improves. The ability to communicate effectively in various situations boosts self-assurance, enabling you to engage in public speaking, express your ideas, and confidently engage with others.
  • Persuasion and influence: Effective speaking skills enhance your ability to persuade and influence others. Whether in professional settings or everyday interactions, being able to present compelling arguments and articulate your viewpoint can help you persuade others to see things from your perspective.
  • Leadership development: Strong speaking skills are a hallmark of effective leaders. By improving your ability to communicate clearly and inspire others, you enhance your leadership potential and can confidently address and motivate teams or groups.
  • Personal growth: Improving your speaking skills is an avenue for personal growth and self-expression. It allows you to find your unique voice, refine your communication style, and become a more effective and confident communicator in various contexts.

5 Tips for Improving %%Speaking%% Skills

While some people are more natural at speaking well than others, it's a skill anyone can practice and improve. And some of the most effective methods only take a few minutes. Here are five tips to get you started:

  • Be aware of how speaking makes you feel: Do you ever feel stressed when you're speaking? That's normal. But it's easier to speak eloquently when you're at ease. So start noticing the situations that make you feel comfortable—and the ones that may make you tense or anxious. This simple awareness can help you gain a deeper understanding of your speaking skills.
  • Slow down and listen: Great speakers don't rush. They take a few calming breaths when necessary, pause intentionally, pay attention to who else is speaking, and think carefully about what they're going to say. 
  • Get inspired: From news anchors and business leaders to actors and social media stars, anyone can serve as speaking inspiration. Notice how others use body language, emphasize certain words, and play with tone and tempo to effectively communicate, persuade, or entertain. 
  • Expand your vocabulary: The ability to speak well starts with the right words. You can build your vocabulary and give yourself better words to choose from by reading or playing Elevate's vocabulary games. 
  • Get feedback on your speaking abilities: Improve your speaking skills faster with Elevate's performance tracking, personalized feedback, and research-backed strategies.

Become a better communicator with the Elevate app's speaking games. You'll gain more confidence in how you pronounce words, make persuasive points, and say what you mean. Speaking well is the key to stronger relationships in your personal and professional life, and improving the way you use the spoken word is as simple as pushing play on one of Elevate's interactive games. 

Download Elevate on iOS or Android and start improving your speaking skills today.

Start Improving Your %%Speaking%% Skills

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