how to become smarter every day

How to become smarter every day with these 5 small habits

September 26, 2024
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Ever wondered how to get a little smarter each day without making a huge effort? 

Well, good news: it’s not about cramming tons of information or memorizing trivia. The real trick is in the small, simple habits you can easily add to your daily routine. Here are five totally doable habits that will help you get sharper every day.

1. Start your day by asking questions

You know that saying, “There’s no such thing as a dumb question?” It’s true—and asking questions is actually a great way to boost your brainpower. Whether you're wondering “Why does the sky change colors?” or “How does my phone really work?” you’re sparking curiosity, and that’s the first step to learning.

Try this: start each day with a “question of the day.” It can be anything, really. Look it up, read a little bit, and boom—you’ve already exercised your brain before your coffee kicks in.

2. Read (even if it’s just for 10 minutes)

We all know reading makes you smarter, but it doesn’t have to be a huge time commitment. Seriously, even reading for 10 minutes a day can work wonders. Dive into a book chapter, an interesting article, or a blog on something you’re curious about. Little by little, you’ll grow your knowledge base, strengthen your focus, and maybe even discover a new hobby.

And hey, if you’re not into physical books, that’s okay! Audiobooks, e-books, or even scrolling through well-written articles online totally count. The important part is that you’re giving your brain new things to think about.

3. Play some brain games

Think of this as a workout for your brain, but way more fun and less sweaty. Apps like Elevate are packed with quick games that challenge your memory, focus, and problem-solving skills. Just like how lifting weights makes your muscles stronger, brain games help keep your mind sharp.

You don’t have to spend hours on this—five minutes a day is enough to see progress over time. Whether it’s a quick puzzle or a math game, this little habit can make a big difference in how you think and process information.

4. Chat with someone new every week

Talking to new people isn’t just good for socializing—it’s also a sneaky way to learn more and expand your perspective. Whether it’s a coworker you don’t know well or someone in line at the coffee shop, new conversations can introduce you to different ideas and experiences.

And the cool part? You’ll walk away from those chats feeling just a little more informed, maybe even inspired. It’s a super easy way to challenge your brain without even trying.

5. End your day with a 5-minute journal session

Before you crash for the night, take a few minutes to reflect on your day. What did you learn? Did something catch your attention? Writing down even the smallest insights helps lock that information into your memory.

Plus, journaling doesn’t just help with learning—it’s also a great way to wind down and reflect on what’s going well. You don’t need a fancy notebook; even jotting it down on your phone works. The key is to make it a habit.

Become smarter every day with the Elevate app

Getting smarter every day doesn’t have to feel like a chore. These five habits—asking questions, reading a little, playing brain games, talking to new people, and reflecting on your day—are easy to fit into your routine, and over time, you’ll notice the difference.

If you’re ready to give your brain a little extra love, why not try out the Elevate app? With fun, quick brain games designed to improve focus, memory, and problem-solving, you’ll be sharpening your mind every day without even realizing it. Download it today and start your journey to a smarter you!

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