self-directed learning

Use learning games for adults to embrace self-directed learning

September 11, 2023
  •  BY 

Have you ever been curious about something, and then quickly found yourself falling down a rabbit hole of Google searches? 

Whether you realized it or not, you were participating in a process called self-directed learning

Self-directed learning is so much more than “adult education.” It occurs when an individual takesg the initiative to identify learning goals, diagnose their learning needs, and engage in learning activities that align with their preferences and learning style. It aso differs from traditional learning methods, where a teacher or instructor is responsible for identifying learning goals and designing learning activities. 

In short, self-directed learning puts the individual in charge of their learning experience. And if that’s something you want to learn more about, including various techniques to maximize how and what you learn, keep reading. 

(Look at you, already practicing self-directed learning!) 

The importance of self-directed learning in today's world

Self-directed learning has become increasingly relevant in today's fast-paced, digital age. With the rapid pace of technological change and the shifting demands of the job market, engaging in continuous learning to remain competitive in your career is a smart move. 

In addition to its importance for professional development, self-directed learning also plays a crucial role in your personal growth. By taking responsibility for your own learning, you can develop greater autonomy, self-awareness, and confidence. Self-directed learning can enable you to pursue your passions and interests outside of your professional life, leading to a more fulfilling and well-rounded existence.

If anything, your built-up knowledge bank will be pretty impressive among your coworkers.

3 key components of self-directed learning

Before we dive in any further, let’s discuss the three key components of self-directed learning: 

1. Self-motivation: the driving force of self-directed learning

Self-motivation is closely tied to successful learning outcomes. Think about it: When you’re motivated to learn, you’re more likely to set goals and persist in the face of challenges and setbacks. Plus, you’ll tend to achieve better results overall.

2. Self-assessment: monitoring your own learning progress

Self-assessment also plays a critical role in the self-directed learning process. By tracking your progress and reflecting on your experiences, you can gain deeper insights into your own learning style and preferences. This knowledge can help you make better decisions about how to approach new learning challenges and achieve better results.

3. Independence: taking charge of your learning journey

Fostering independence in learning involves developing skills such as time management, goal-setting, and problem-solving. It also requires a willingness to take risks, experiment with new approaches to learning, and seek out new opportunities for growth and development.

The advantages of self-directed learning

So, why should you continue to pursue avenues of self-directed learning? Here are a couple of known advantages: 

Boosting cognitive skills

Self-directed learning enhances cognitive flexibility, which is the ability to adapt to new situations and think creatively. And in today's fast-paced, ever-changing world, this skill is particularly valuable.

Lifelong learning and personal development

As you can imagine, the benefits of lifelong learning includes academic or professional pursuits, but the benefits extend well beyond those areas, too. That’s because engaging in self-directed learning can lead to increased self-awareness, personal growth, and overall fulfillment. 

By pursuing your interests and passions, you can further develop a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in your life.

Strategies for effective self-directed learning

Want to know how to practically experience these benefits for yourself? Read about a few learning strategies and evaluate which ones may work for you: 

How to create a personalized learning plan

One of the most critical components of effective self-directed learning is to create a personalized learning plan. This plan allows you to identify your learning goals and tailor your learning activities to your unique needs and preferences.

To create an effective learning plan, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Set clear and specific learning goals: Identify what you want to learn and why it is important to you.
  • Step 2: Assess your current knowledge and skills: Determine what you already know and what areas you need to improve.
  • Step 3: Identify resources: Find resources that will help you achieve your learning goals, such as books, online courses, or mentors.
  • Step 4: Create a schedule: Develop a realistic timeline for completing your learning activities.
  • Step 5: Monitor progress: Regularly assess your progress and adjust your plan as needed.

By following these steps, you can create a personalized learning plan that helps you achieve your goals and stay motivated throughout the learning process.

Time management tips for self-directed learners

Effective time management is another critical component of self-directed learning. Without proper time management skills, you may struggle to balance your learning activities with other responsibilities. (Oh the elusive “I’ll look into it tomorrow.”) 

To manage your learning time effectively, consider these practical tips:

  • Schedule dedicated learning time: Set aside specific times during the day or week for learning activities so you’re more likely to follow through with it.
  • Prioritize tasks: Identify the most important tasks and complete them first.
  • Avoid distractions: Eliminate distractions such as social media or email during dedicated learning time.
  • Take breaks: Allow for regular breaks to prevent burnout and maintain focus.

Effective time management skills can contribute significantly to successful self-directed learning by ensuring that you have enough time to complete your learning activities while also managing your other responsibilities effectively.

Utilizing resources effectively for optimal learning

Effective self-directed learning also requires the ability to utilize resources effectively. With so many resources available, it can be challenging to choose the right ones and use them effectively.

To optimize your learning experience, consider these tips:

  • Identify reliable sources: Choose resources from reputable sources such as academic journals or established experts in the field.
  • Use a variety of resources: Utilize a mix of resources, such as books, videos, and online courses, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  • Stay organized: Keep track of resources and notes to avoid confusion and maximize their utility.

By following these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to taking control of your learning journey and achieving greater success both personally and professionally.

How learning games for adults (like the Elevate App!) can help

If you’re looking for specific tools to support you in your self-directed learning, look no further than the Elevate app. 

The Elevate app is an award-winning brain training app that can enhance your self-directed learning through a variety of features and exercises. It’s backed by science and designed to improve your vocabulary, mental math, memory skills, and more.

Personalized learning paths with Elevate app

One of the key features of Elevate App is its ability to support your personalized learning path. 

You can customize your daily training focus and choose between 3 and 5 educational games. So if you’re feeling like crunching numbers one day, give the Math workout a try. Or if you’d rather have a variety of games hand-picked for you, your Recommended workout is your best bet, including a series of games that’ll best support your learning based on your interests and recent performance. 

Tracking your progress: analytics in Elevate app

Tracking your progress is crucial when it comes to motivation. 

And in Elevate, you can check out your Performance tab to evaluate learning outcomes and see where you stand at any time. There, you can see the Skill Groups you’re excelling in, as well as where you rank against other Elevate members in your age group. 

What’s more, Elevate's brain training program combines analytical thinking with engaging games and rewards that cultivate a desire to learn. And members report powerful benefits: 

  • 93% feel mentally sharper
  • 90% expanded their vocabulary
  • 88% boosted their writing skills
  • 89% improved their mental math skills

Self-directed learning and your journey with the Elevate app

If you’re looking to achieve your goals and continuously improve your learning performance, self-directed learning is how you can do just that. By taking control of your learning experience, you can promote lifelong learning and personal development, enhance your cognitive skills, and stay ahead of the curve in today's rapidly changing world. 

An easy first step toward your pursuit of self-directed learning is to download the Elevate brain training app, available on iOS or Android. Brain training is a valuable cognitive enhancement tool that can improve your overall mental performance, which can help you keep your brain sharp, curious, and ready to learn.

And with more than 40 games spread across reading, writing, speaking, memory, and math skill groups, the Elevate app provides a fun, effective, and easy way to make self-directed learning a quick and easy part of your daily routine.

So why wait? Download Elevate App today, and start your self-directed learning journey. With Elevate app by your side (or, you know, in your pocket), the sky's the limit!

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