Adult using a learning app on a smartphone instead of browsing social media

Why you should stop scrolling Instagram and try learning apps for adults

August 14, 2024
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It's easy to lose hours scrolling through social media, catching up on the latest posts from friends and celebrities. But imagine if you could convert even a fraction of that time into something that boosts your brainpower and enriches your life.

Here’s why you might want to consider swapping some of your social media time for learning apps for adults.

The downside of excessive social media use

Social media, for all its perks, comes with its share of drawbacks, especially when used excessively:

  • Reduced attention span: The rapid-fire nature of scrolling can erode our ability to concentrate on tasks for more than a few minutes at a time.
  • Wasted time: Hours spent on social media can often feel unproductive once we log off, leaving us with little to show for our time.
  • Impact on mental health: Numerous studies link high levels of social media usage with increased risks of anxiety, depression, and feelings of inadequacy.

The upside of learning apps for adults

Conversely, learning games offer a constructive alternative to social media browsing. Here’s how these apps can make a meaningful difference in your life:

Continuous learning and skill enhancement

Learning apps provide structured pathways to gain new knowledge and skills, whether it’s improving your math, learning a new language, or enhancing your professional skills. Apps like Elevate are designed to train various cognitive functions including attention, processing speed, and more, making learning not just accessible but also comprehensive, allowing you to build a lifelong learning habit.

Productive use of time

Instead of aimlessly scrolling, you could be learning something new every day. Many learning apps are designed to be used in short bursts, perfect for filling those small pockets of time you normally spend on social media. This means you can learn effectively without needing to carve out large portions of your day.

Positive impact on mental health

Engaging your brain in learning can have a positive effect on your mental health. It keeps your mind active, gives you goals to work towards, and can provide a sense of achievement and confidence as you progress. This is in stark contrast to the often passive and comparative nature of social media consumption.

How to make the switch

Making the switch from social media to learning apps doesn’t have to be drastic. Here are some tips to get started:

  • Set realistic goals: Decide what you want to achieve with your learning. Whether it's career advancement, learning a new hobby, or simply improving your cognitive functions, having clear objectives can help you stay motivated.
  • Schedule specific times for learning: Just as you might limit your social media usage, plan specific times for using learning apps. Even 10-15 minutes a day can be effective.
  • Choose the right apps: Select apps that match your interests and goals. Apps like Elevate offer personalized training programs that adapt to your performance and help you improve over time.

Restructure your time to rebuild your mind

While Instagram and other social platforms are great for entertainment and staying connected, learning apps for adults offer a rewarding and productive alternative. By dedicating even a small portion of the time you spend on social media to these apps, you can enhance your skills, boost your brainpower, and achieve personal growth.

Ready to start your learning journey? Download Elevate today and take the first step towards a more fulfilling and productive use of your time.

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