how to become smarter

How to become smarter in 3 simple, practical steps

September 26, 2024
  •  BY 

Ever feel like your brain is stuck on autopilot? The good news is that getting smarter doesn’t require endless study sessions or complex mental gymnastics. By tweaking a few of your daily habits, you can boost your brainpower in ways that are simple, effective, and even enjoyable

Let’s break it down into three easy-to-follow steps.

Step 1: Play brain games while you commute or relax

We all have pockets of free time—whether it’s during a commute, while waiting for an appointment, or winding down before bed. One of the easiest ways to get smarter during these moments is by playing brain games on your phone. Games that challenge your memory, attention, or problem-solving skills can actually strengthen your brain, much like physical exercise strengthens your muscles.

Apps like Elevate offer quick, fun games that improve focus, mental math, vocabulary, and more. These games are designed to train your brain in key areas without making it feel like a chore. For example, instead of scrolling through social media during your next break, open up a word puzzle or math challenge. Spending just 10 minutes a day on these can help improve your cognitive abilities over time.

Pro tip: Commit to playing brain games during specific downtimes, like your morning coffee routine or waiting in line. Consistency makes all the difference!

Step 2: Get moving (even just for 20 minutes)

Exercise isn’t just about staying in shape—it’s also a powerful tool for boosting brain function. You don’t need a gym membership or fancy workout gear to get started. A brisk 20-minute walk around the block can do wonders for your brain by increasing blood flow, which enhances memory and learning abilities.

If walking isn’t your thing, try simple at-home exercises like jumping jacks or yoga. Even these low-impact activities can give your brain a cognitive boost. The trick? Making it a habit. You don’t have to run marathons or spend hours sweating—just start small and build up as you go. The key is consistency, not intensity.

Pro tip: Pair exercise with something you already enjoy—like listening to your favorite podcast or an audiobook. You’ll look forward to the time, and your brain will get a double boost from physical movement and mental engagement.

Step 3: Learn one new thing every day

Becoming smarter doesn’t mean taking a deep dive into textbooks or online courses (though you can if you want to!). Start by committing to learning one small, new thing each day. This could be as simple as looking up a new word, watching a 5-minute educational video, or learning a random fact about a topic you’re curious about.

For example, if you’re cooking dinner, why not look up a quick video about the science behind why pasta needs salt? With this approach, learning becomes part of your everyday life rather than something you have to set aside extra time for.

Pro tip: Set a goal to learn something in 5 minutes or less. For example, read the Wikipedia summary of a new topic or watch a quick how-to video. Over time, these small efforts add up, making you more well-rounded and informed on the topics that interest you.

Start learning how to become smarter today

Getting smarter doesn’t have to mean adding hours of work to your day. By fitting these simple steps into your routine—playing brain games, moving your body, and learning something new—you’ll be building up your mental strength without feeling overwhelmed.

Why wait? Download the Elevate app today to jumpstart your brain training with fun, quick games you can play anywhere. In just a few minutes a day, you can boost your focus, memory, and problem-solving skills—and who doesn’t want that?

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